The Plothole

Stormtroopers are soldiers that serve The Galactic Empire of the Milky Way or one of the many warlords, such as Warlord Strang, that broke away from the empire. They were white armour with a long cloak, while Stormtrooper captains will have an insignia emblazoned on their cloaks to signify their rank. They carry a versatile set of equipment and work as a unit or an army when required. Their armour is incredibly strong, allowing a wearing to survive many injuries even if seriously wounded. Stormtroopers have been a constant menace to the NeS Heroes in The Never-ending Story as well as a major element for Clear in Clear and the Hopeless where they were further developed and characterised. Key stormtrooper characters include Captain Londris, who died aboard The Hopeful, and Cassra Terrin-Pullista, who became Clear's closest friend as she travelled across the Perseus Arm.



The appearane of the Stormtroopers is based upon the Stormtroopers[Ext 1] from the Star Wars[Ext 2] franchise. Stormtroopers wear white armour that shines like ice, complete with a helmet and a thick cloak. Stormtrooper commanders will have an insignia emblazoned upon their cloaks for identification[CatH 1].


Laser Carbine

The standard weapon for most Stormtroopers are the laser carbines. These are rifles with a shorter barrel, meaning they fire more powerfully than standard rifles but with shorter range. These carbines fire short bursts of powerfully heated energy[CatH 1].

PIP Device

As with many people in the Perseus Arm, Stormtroopers are equipped with their own PIPs, which allow them to perform a multitude of tasks when in armour. This can include activating external systems on devices remotely connected to their PIP, such as a ship[CatH 1].


The Never-ending Story

Main article: The Never-ending Story


The Never-ending Story^2

Main article: The Never-ending Story^2


Clear and the Hopeless

Main article: Clear and the Hopeless

A group of stormtroopers, under the command of Warlord Strang for Strang's Fleet, discover the Salmitton Clear in a communications base on the planet Ledus and they take her captive[CatH 2]. She would prove herself not to be a rebel and Strang himself wanted to help her take back her ship, which was stolen by a crazy A.I. named Note[CatH 3]. The stormtrooper team, led by Captain Londris, boarded the ship. However the mission went badly as two members were injured during combat with plants controlled by Green, who had stalled the ship. This put both Pully[CatH 4] and Turbo out of action[CatH 5]. Toolkit and Captain Londris herself were both executed by the escaped rebel, Duke Hyperon[CatH 6]. The remaining two troopers, Sindra and Vix, were killed by Note, the A.I., while he inhabited a robotic body (citation needed). Ultimately only Pully and Turbo survived. Because Pully opted to remain aboard The Hopeful with its captain, Clear, Turbo assumed captaincy of the stormtrooper unit (citation needed).


Britt's Commentary

"Stormtroopers were somewhat retconned along with most other Star Wars related themes during the Star Wars Retcon. They weren't drastically altered bar some minor aesthetic changes in their appearance. The soldiers on the inside, however, has been widely expanded to accommodate more NeS original material - such as many female soldiers and some alien stormtroopers too." - Britt the Writer


External References

Clear and the Hopeless References
