The Plothole

NeS1 Post 274 is partly set prior to NeS1 Post 272 where the heroes all want to eat Gebohq while he is still a pig. He tries to get Gebohq the Storywriter to turn him back but the Writer had gone out to lunch, thinking about pork. Instead Gebohq must ask MaybeChild to turn him back, which she then does in NeS1 Post 272. The rest of NeS Post 274 is set after NeS1 Post 273. MaybeChild discovers that she could activate the Sporkus blade as well as the Porkus, making the weapon duel-ended. However this also activates the self-destruct. She dismisses that by stating that the Pay-per-view ratings would be higher now.


(before Maybe's last post)

Geb the writer: Mmm..pork...


Geb: Hey! Don't even think about it...

*The others grumble as they put away their knives, frying pans, and "Pork, the other white meat" cookbooks.*

Geb: I will use the power of the storywriter to change myself back....


*Hanging on the corner of the cubicle that Geb the writer works at is a sign that says "Off to lunch"*


Geb: ....the power has failed me! Maybe, quick! Change me before I eat myself!

(And after everyone's posts...)

Geb: So...we can go whoop Total-arse now?

Krig: Krig want to smash evil woman.

Sem: Yes, let's.

Maybe: Hey everyone, look! If you turn on the SPORK patch, you can get the Sporkus to appear on the other side. We have a duel-weapon malorkus now!

Ante: Um...Maybe, did you not remember the self-destruct on that thing?

Maybe: Oh yeah, oops. Well, at least the PPV ratings will jump now that we have a timer on this battle.

Sem: True true...

Otter: (to Geb) So what would happen if a pig wielded the Porkus Malorkus?...

(What do you mean the ending is predictable? Of course Totally isn't going to be impaled at the last second and then have the whole thing blow up...*Quick guys! Change the ending!*)
